Trimble Groundworks
Machine control for drilling and piling
Trimble Groundworks is a system for all types of drilling rigs and piling machines. The system comprises Trimble's robust components, combined with the manufacturer's advanced satellite positioning. The system facilitates the smoothness, safety and accuracy of drilling and piling work. Every day and every night. Trimble Groundworks is fully retrofitted but is compatible with CAN BUS control for Junttan and Epiroc machines, among others.
You can connect the system to the Trimble WorksManager cloud service - share design data in a real time between the site and the office.
Trimble Groundworks for piling
The system facilitates the smoothness, safety and accuracy of drilling and piling work.
Advantages of the system
- Drill to the right depth - this saves the machine's drill rod, crown or hammer from excessive wear
- Make sure the holes in the drilling chart are exactly distributed - making diagonal holes or piles is really easy. With blasting you can optimize the use of blasting powder.
- Reduce the use of surveyors - no more off-road sticks or brush steels. With “Bull’s Eye” navigation, you succeed even in the middle of the night.
- For each piling or drilling site, you will receive a report that allows you to check the quality of the work and identify time and financial savings.
Read more about Groundworks system at Machine Control for Drilling, Piling and Dynamic Compaction Machines | Trimble Civil Construction